Adaptive capacity to manage permafrost thaw in Northwest Greenland

Adaptive capacity to manage permafrost thaw in Northwest Greenland

Talk about Leneisja Jungsberg's study examining the adaptive capacity for managing permafrost degradation in Northwest Greenland

By Climate Coffees (ECRA & Blue-Action)

Date and time

Thu, 2 Jun 2022 02:00 - 02:40 PDT



About this event

    Leneisja Jungsberg will share about her study examining the adaptive capacity for managing permafrost degradation in Northwest Greenland. The study focuses on three aspects; community awareness, institutional organisation, and scientific knowledge to inform decision-making.

    The empirical material is informed by questionnaire and interview data from fieldwork, frozen ground temperature records and published data forecasting the deepening of the active layer. Results illustrates that much of the adaptation practices are carried out ad-hoc and due to lack of human and financial resources there is currently no long-term solutions. Link to the article:

    Adaptive capacity to manage permafrost thaw in Northwest Greenland

    Grab your coffee and join us for a chat on MS Teams at 11: 00 AM CEST.

    What is a climate coffee?

    Climate coffees are relaxed meetings for scientists to exchange ideas, discuss about their latest results and new methods with their fellow scientists.

    Climate coffees are an initiative of ECRA and Blue-Action.

    About our speaker:

    Leneisja is an early career researcher at Nordregio:

    About Nunataryuk (H2020) project: Most human activity in the Arctic takes place along permafrost coasts. Climate change and permafrost thaw are exposing these coasts to rapid change, change that threatens the rich biodiversity, puts pressure on communities and contributes to the vulnerability of the global climate system. Read more here:

    Picture credits: Leneisja Jungsberg. Museum in Ilulissat that is permafrost damaged.

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