3rd User Group Meeting

Registrations are closed

Ticket Sales has ended - Please contact us via mail linda@fidabio.com to inquire if it is still possible to register.

3rd User Group Meeting

An exclusive event for Fida technology users, with training and insights on how you can use your Fida platform to the fullest.


Langelinie Pavillionen

Langelinie 10 2100 København Ø Denmark

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event


Key Note Speaker

Prof. Stefan Goletz, Biotechnology and Biomedicine, DTU

Key Note Speaker

Evelyne Barrey, Assoc. Principal Scientist, AstraZeneca

Employing FIDA in drug discovery to characterise protein complexes and their modulation by small molecules.

User Presentation

Prof. Markus Gräler, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

FIDA applications for lipid signalling in biomedical research.

User Presentation

Marie Pedersen, Specialist, Novo Nordisk

New insights in albumin binding of peptides using Fida 1.

User Presentation

Gideon Hönger, Sr Scientist, University Hospital Basel

Simultaneous determination of HLA antibody concentration and affinity in patient sera by FIDA.

User Presentation

Antonin Kunka, Postdoc, DTU

Thermodynamic characterization of amyloid polymorphism by microfluidic transient incomplete separation.

User Presentation

Kristian Want, PhD Student, CEA/I2BC

Combining FIDA and ITC to characterise and control competitive binding.

User Presentation

Alexander Taylor, Principal Scientist, Leeds University

Exploring Amyloid Formation by IDPs: Leveraging FIDA for Small Molecule QC, IDP Conformation Analysis, and Protein Aggregation Monitoring.

User Presentation

Mathilde Ban, PostDoc, Institut Pasteur

Population dynamic of the complex formed by dengue virus NS1 and high-density lipoproteins.

User Presentation

Professor Stefan Rüdiger, Utrecht University

About this event

Fidabio User Group Meeting is an exclusive event for FIDA technology users, during which you will be able to get trained on how you can use your Fida platform to the fullest & network with other FIDA users from industry & academia. The event setup is a mix of presentations and small knowledge - dissemination sessions, during which you will be able to learn from our FIDA experts, as well as other users. 2024 edition take splace in the modern Langelinie Pavillionen, with fun evening activities, and delicious New Scandinavian cuisine.

Hotel will be Hotel Skt. Annæ, Sankt Annæ Plads 18, 1250 Copenhagen K. where participants will have a room there for the nights of the 6th and 7th of Marts.

Attendees to the User Group Meeting 2024 will be the first ones to learn about & access new groundbreaking FIDA applications. Don't miss this opportunity!



08.30 Famous Danish Pastry, Coffee & Event Registration

09.00 Launchpad Briefing

09.10 Updates on FIDA applications map - explore the capacities of your technology

09.40 Meeting the 2024 UGM Participants

10.15 Day 1 Key Note Speaker

10.45 Coffee

11:15 User presentations

12.30 Lunch - Enjoy New Scandinavian Cousine

13:30 User presentations

15:00 Coffee

15.30 CSO Henrik Jensen: Latest Hardware & Software Updates

16.15 Entertainment, networking & exploring the Citadel

17.45 Cocktails, Dinner, and more networking time


08.30 Coffee & Pastry

09.00 Day 2 Key Note Speaker

10.30 Workshops (see topics below)

10.45 Coffee

11.15 Workshops (see topics below)

12.30 Group Photo

12.45 Lunch

13:15 Workshops (see topics below)

14:30 Wrap up and closure

What topics can you choose from at the sign up? See the list below:

  • Agglutination & Polyclonal Ab's
  • Characterising ternary complexes (Bi-specifics/TPD)
  • Checking your sample quality (QC)
  • CRISPR assays with Fida 1
  • Evaluating raw data
  • Fida 1 assay design - fundamental considerations
  • Labelling strategies
  • LLPS assays with Fida 1
  • Measuring conformational change
  • Membrane proteins - Binding assays, QC, Detergent screening
  • Protein aggregation
  • Small molecules

In case of any doubts, please feel free to send us your questions at linda@fidabio.com

Note: Final sign up deadline is February 25th!

This event is designed to bring you professional and personal benefits. 100% of previous edition's participants rated their experience as either excellent or very good.

Organized by

Sales Ended